Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Religious Irony

A friend of mine who pastors a church suggested the following as a gift to first-time visitors:

This illustrates the irony in which his mind usually lurks. Yes, he affirms that God created the world (and specifically that creation is in Christ, through him, and for him), but the current debate between creationists and evolutionists can use a bit of humor and self-deprecation.


ship captain said...

I thought many dinos were veg eaters. I think creation is a matter of faith, not observable data reflected upon by rational thinking. Maybe the humor would show the smart roasting meat and hording it from the dumb.

T+T said...

Ahh, Morpheus, we meet again. Desperation takes different courses for different people. And if "that pastor friend" is willing to be a friend of this loser, then I am delighted.

Ship Captain: Ahoy! I understand the humor more than the science.